Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction?

As teens approach adulthood, wisdom teeth could soon erupt. For adults, this may have already happened, leading to major complications. To help restore the health and appearance of your smile, we may need to extract these teeth. At your Metairie, LA, oral surgery clinic, you can protect your smile by extracting your wisdom teeth.

Saving Smiles With Wisdom Tooth Extraction

As people approach adulthood, there could be a change to their smile. For some, up to four new molars could erupt, which makes a number of negative changes to your smile. At your Metairie, LA, oral surgery clinic, we can protect smiles by carefully extracting the wisdom teeth.

The 5 Reasons Why You Could Need a Tooth Extraction

At some point in most people’s lives, tooth extraction is vital to improving oral health. If you have a tooth that is damaged, infected, or otherwise harming your dental health, an extraction can solve the issue. Here are five reasons why you might need to have a tooth removed. 1. Orthodontic Procedures

What to Expect from The Recovery of Your Wisdom Teeth Removal

At some point, most of us undergo minor surgery to remove wisdom teeth. Although wisdom teeth removal is usually a quick and easy procedure, it usually takes several days for the surgical areas to heal before you can return to your normal daily routine. Here is what you can expect when recovering from wisdom teeth… Continue reading What to Expect from The Recovery of Your Wisdom Teeth Removal

When should I have my child evaluated for wisdom teeth extraction?

The wisdom teeth become impacted in most human beings. That is, they are unable to erupt properly into the smile and become stuck in surrounding bone and gum tissue. In such cases, surgical wisdom teeth extraction by an oral surgeon is advised. It is generally recommended that preventive wisdom teeth extraction be completed by the… Continue reading When should I have my child evaluated for wisdom teeth extraction?

Improve Your Oral Health with Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Did you know that wisdom teeth extraction could substantially improve your oral health and reduce your risks for disease? Wisdom teeth extraction has a number of surprising benefits, many of which could pay off later on in life. Our oral surgeon provides excellent care to patients in need of wisdom teeth removal. Keeping your wisdom… Continue reading Improve Your Oral Health with Wisdom Teeth Extraction

5 Most Common Problems Created By Impacted Wisdom Teeth

In modern humans, the third molars – also known as the wisdom teeth – are prone to becoming impacted. There’s typically not enough room in the jaw for these large teeth to erupt properly into the smile. Unfortunately, impacted wisdom teeth can be quite problematic, causing many issues for patients. To prevent such issues, many… Continue reading 5 Most Common Problems Created By Impacted Wisdom Teeth

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