Sedation Ensures Comfort During Oral Surgery
Oral surgery enables our team to take on major oral health issues, such as tooth loss, injury, or concerns with the balance of your jaw.
Oral surgery enables our team to take on major oral health issues, such as tooth loss, injury, or concerns with the balance of your jaw.
Our team offers oral surgery to take on more complex oral health issues and restore the function, health, and beauty of your smile. From tooth
When you have lost teeth, over time the jaw could weaken and this could complicate your ability to receive dental implants. With a ridge augmentation,
As a person approaches their late teens or early 20s, this could mean the arrival of up to four new molars. The third molars, also
When a tooth doesn’t erupt fully, this can cause a partial eruption known as an impaction. This could alter the alignment of your smile and
Tooth loss not only leaves behind embarrassing gaps in your smile, but could lead to serious concerns with the health, beauty, and function of your