At some point, most of us undergo minor surgery to remove wisdom teeth. Although wisdom teeth removal is usually a quick and easy procedure, it usually takes several days for the surgical areas to heal before you can return to your normal daily routine.
Here is what you can expect when recovering from wisdom teeth removal.
You Will Experience Some Bleeding and Facial Swelling
In the first hours of recovery, you will need to bite down on gauze and avoid speaking to stop bleeding after your procedure. Swollen cheeks are also normal following wisdom teeth extractions. Holding or tying bags of ice to the sides of your face at regular intervals helps to bring swelling down.
Rest is Necessary
Without giving your mouth sufficient time to heal, you could accidentally reopen wounds at the extraction site and delay recovery. It is generally best to take several days off from school, work, or strenuous activities after your surgery. In a best-case scenario, you could be well on your way to healing after three or four days. However, if your wisdom teeth were impacted, you might have to rest for a week or more.
You Will Need to Avoid Spitting or Suction
Any suction or spitting can prevent wisdom teeth extraction sites from properly clotting and healing. As a result, you could inadvertently pull stitches or reopen those partially healed sockets. For the first 24 hours following your surgery, avoid brushing your teeth, swishing water in your mouth, and spitting. If you do wash your mouth with water, allow it to fall out afterward rather than spitting it out.
Actions involving suction, including drinking through a straw, should be left until at least a week after your surgery.
Crunchy and Hot Foods Are Too Irritating
You will need to avoid hard, crunchy, or very hot foods for at least seven days to avoid irritating your mouth. Soft foods such as yogurt, smoothies, or ice cream are the best food choices for the first 24 hours. After a day, you can progress to other soft foods such as pasta, potatoes, and eggs that are at a moderate temperature.
Hot beverages like tea and coffee are best to avoid for the first week of recovery.
Final Thoughts on Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth removal is often necessary and generally common for many people to prevent overcrowding, infections, and further oral health complications. If you follow your oral surgeon’s advice for recovery, your mouth will heal quickly, and you will likely be able to drink and eat normally in a couple of weeks.
Visit us at Jackson Oral Surgery to learn more about our wisdom teeth extraction services today.